My Visitors

Friday, 27 September 2013

Camp 22 - The Working Camp of the Traitors to the Nation

For those who disobey the Nation and it's leaders, death is too merciful. Instead the Glorious leader has charged the army with the creation of certain camps, in which prisoners are encouraged to 'Concentrate' on the work at hand. One of these camps that this post is a case study on, is Camp 22.

Located near 'Hoeryong' county, Camp 22 is set between a deep valley of high mountains, near the border of China. This strategic location fully seals the faith of all the camp's inhabitants, or as they're referred to in North Korea, 'Unspeakable traitors who do not deserve the just region we call home'

I would very much like to describe the sick, twisted conditions that brought these traitors to this shining beacon of rehabilitation but alas i must content myself to deal with the geographical aspects of this North Korean wonder.

Surrounded by a 3300V fence running around the 225 metres squared area of the camp, this camp is thought unescapable. To top this all of, this camp also sources a home settlement for the hundreds (roughly 500-600) of guard who keep the prisoners sad and who make sure the perimeter is fresh with nails and booby traps.

Contained inside the prison camp, is a flourishing community of unspeakables who work hard to try to make up for the unforgivable crimes they've committed. The guard quarters are the highlights as they house the superstars of the North Korean army who trained day and night to support the backing of the Dear Leader's commands. Their is also a dentention centre for those people that still go against the nations command yet again in their puny, undeserving lives. For those who do choose to work, there is a garment factory and a food factory. An administration building is kept inside, aswell as quarters for the workers.

Video obtained from:

Monday, 23 September 2013

Mining, Like a Boss (Nation)

In the great region of North Korea, Mining is considered of utmost importance as it accounts for most of the countries wealth. It is thought that there are still unmined resources worth over 6 trillion dollars. Zinc is the biggest mineral with over 21.1 million tons of it yet to be mined. The types of minerals locatred in North Korea reach over 200, stretched over 80 percent of its land, a truly magnifiscent feet recognised by the international community as an achievement bigger than anything they could ever hIn the great region of North Korea, Mining is considered of utmost importance as it accounts for most of the countries wealth. It is thought that there are still unmined resources worth over 6 trillion dollars. Zinc is the biggest mineral with over 21.1 million tons of it yet to be mined. The types of minerals locatated in North Korea reach over 200, stretched over 80 percent of its land, a truly magnifiscent feet recognised by the international community as an achievement bigger than anything they could ever hope for, (although will not admit saying this).

The largest Zinc mining group in DPRK is the Geomdeok group, owning 3 different locations and active since 1932, where it has become the biggest mining corporation in Eastern Asia. At most the company can produce 10 million tons of zinc ore from the earth each year.

North Korea boasts a tremendous amount of gold reaching over 2000 metric tons valued near 100 billion U.S dollars. The Holdong mine is seen as one of the biggest mines for gold processing 2 tons of gold annually. Another one of these companies to handle these incredible figures, is the Daebong mining company, producing 150 kilos of gold annually with further hoped of Chinese investment to increse this figure, in the near future. Finally in regards to gold, the biggest known gold producing mine in DPRK (and almost the bitggest in the world) is the Sangnong Mine, reporting an amazing Kim-tastic 290,000 tonnes recovered from the earth in 2008 with more vast resources to continue it's great North Korean work with.

Contained in the heart of North Korea resides over 2.1 million tons of copper, or known to North Koreans as 'shiny Kim metal' as urban slang. KOMID, DPRK's main mining company was black-listed by the United Nations in 2009 however after a world wide scandal about a rocket launch (which was really a simple misunderstanding), leading to restrictions in production. The Hyesan mine, run by KOMID ran from it's creation in 1994 to 2009 but closed until 2010 due to constant flooding and the UN. In 2010m it resumed partial operation, where it roughly produces 90,000 tons of '16 percent' grade copper
Picture obtained from: A photo of Musan Iron Mine, located in North Korea.ope for, (although will not admit saying this).

Monday, 16 September 2013

The Great Tour of the Empire

NORTH KOREA INSIDE VIEW A brief-ish movie of a westernised reporter journeying to the sacred land for a 'documentary'. Those who respect the Dear Leader's cultural and economic decisions are advised to look away from this journey inside the Great Country provided to us by Lisa Ling. Video borrowed from the National Geographic's channel.

Friday, 13 September 2013

The Road Network of Brilliance

With almost 93 percent of North Korea's road network being taken up by cheap dirt and gravel, North Korea is regarded by all it's dear citizens as a great wise spender of public money.This is only reinforced by North Korea's policy of using buses for transport and keeping private cars to a minimum, a choice believed to be a great leader against global warming and a saver of money for all. It is so far one of the only countries to have seperate speed limits for the three different lanes of it's highways, (eg. 70km/h, 60km/h, 40km/h) showing the compassion of the government for it's drivers. In regard to drivers, those who wish to drive alone without passengers must hold a special license issued and renewed annualy by the government, aswell as obeying regulations regarding fuel.
Picture taken from

Friday, 6 September 2013

The Climate of Kings

As a country located between 38 and 43 degrees longitude, North Korea undergoes 4 distinct seasons of which we all know are Summer, Winter, Autumn and Spring. This is believed to be the God's recognition of North Korea as a state who deserves a typical hot climate in Summer (despite the average typhoon) and respectful enough to endure a long, rigirously cold Winter of clear skies, reaching a supremem -13 to -3 degrees celsius on average in January (as taken in Pyongyang). In August the city boasts an average of 20 degrees celsius while Autumn and Spring are known far and wide across the land as being good months to transition weather and temperature from high to low, and vica versa.

Image taken from

Thursday, 5 September 2013

The Supreme Economic System

As is common knowledge, North Korea operates under a communist system, providing all equipment and food to the people of North Korea in equal shares from the Government. The country makes most it's money from exporting products of Secondary Econmoic activites to mainland Europe and Asia but also has a huge Primary Economic grouping of farmers and miners.Main crops include Rice and Millet but other grains are popular. The main exports of the country are military related with mining products like coal ore and zync coming in at second, this once and for all proves the supremity of North Korea over Western civilisation.

Obtained from

Monday, 2 September 2013

The Glorious City of Pyongyang

With the help of dearly devoted Russians, Pyongyang was designed to be the capital of the glorious nation of North Korea. Combining the latest architecture of high rise apartments, glorious parks of beauty and shops to show off the extravagent wares of North Korea's empire. Built in the west-central region of North Korea it has been highly acclaimed as the perfect town in the world (By the Kim family) as it is the Political, Economic and Transportation centre of the nation. With the Taedong river blessing the city with beautiful scenery to enjoy (flowing in a south-west direction) and temperatures between -11 degrees celsius and 29n degrees celcius (winter and summer respectivaly) the city is kbnown for having the ideal North Korean climate.
Image taken from

The Master Plan of Creation

In the beginning there was the world and the oceans and from that ocean rose a land. This was no ordinary land but the almighty land of Korea. The land of Korea was blessed by the Gods and given mountain ranges of large scales that farmers could only dream of, with heights that birds could not dream of flying over. The main range Hamgyong in the most north-eastern part of the peninsula was blessed with a group of the highest peaks in all of the great land. To balance the height of the mountains North Korea was also blessed with small plains, to allow residence and farming. It is here the great city of Pyongyang was built to show off North Korea's vast wealth and resources.
Image taken from

Introduction of the Century

This is a blog on North Korea. Not the usually proclaimed aspects of their glory but rather a much overlooked aspect of their Geography, this is an essential part of the country and true this blog you may be educated towards the different areas of this regions geography.
Image recieved from