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Friday, 27 September 2013

Camp 22 - The Working Camp of the Traitors to the Nation

For those who disobey the Nation and it's leaders, death is too merciful. Instead the Glorious leader has charged the army with the creation of certain camps, in which prisoners are encouraged to 'Concentrate' on the work at hand. One of these camps that this post is a case study on, is Camp 22.

Located near 'Hoeryong' county, Camp 22 is set between a deep valley of high mountains, near the border of China. This strategic location fully seals the faith of all the camp's inhabitants, or as they're referred to in North Korea, 'Unspeakable traitors who do not deserve the just region we call home'

I would very much like to describe the sick, twisted conditions that brought these traitors to this shining beacon of rehabilitation but alas i must content myself to deal with the geographical aspects of this North Korean wonder.

Surrounded by a 3300V fence running around the 225 metres squared area of the camp, this camp is thought unescapable. To top this all of, this camp also sources a home settlement for the hundreds (roughly 500-600) of guard who keep the prisoners sad and who make sure the perimeter is fresh with nails and booby traps.

Contained inside the prison camp, is a flourishing community of unspeakables who work hard to try to make up for the unforgivable crimes they've committed. The guard quarters are the highlights as they house the superstars of the North Korean army who trained day and night to support the backing of the Dear Leader's commands. Their is also a dentention centre for those people that still go against the nations command yet again in their puny, undeserving lives. For those who do choose to work, there is a garment factory and a food factory. An administration building is kept inside, aswell as quarters for the workers.

Video obtained from:

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